
Rainbow Pediatrics
Lynn Haven, FL
WEI produced Mechanical and Plumbing Designs for the new pediatric clinic.
HVAC systems included multiple light, commercial split-system heat pump units for each tenant. Condensing units for each AHU is located in two equipment yards on the west side of the building, with underground refrigerant conduits between the yard and mechanical spaces. Air distribution was designed to go through externally insulated sheet metal duct with ceiling mounted supply and return devices. Return air was ducted. Controls included digital programmable thermostats.
Plumbing systems for the new facility consisted of copper potable water distribution-pipe with sweated joints. Fixtures are commercial grade, low water consumption. Water closets are flush-tank type. Hot water is supplied by electric water heaters located inside the mechanical rooms. Systems for the large offices are circulating. Drain, waste, and vent piping are PVC.

Kraft Nissan-infiniti
Tallahassee, FL
New construction of a car dealership. WEI produced Fire Protection, Plumbing, and HVAC Designs.
HVAC consisted of dedicated roof mounted outside air units along with roof mounted packaged dx units.
Plumbing consisted of commercial fixtures, sanitary, and domestic water system.

Coastal Skin Surgery & Dermatology
Ft. Walton Beach, FL
WEI produced proffesoinal engineering designs for the new build dermatology clinic.
HVAC Design utilized split-system heat pumps to condition the space, with indoor units in a mechanical mezzanine. Outside air was brought in from a gravity ventilator on the roof. Ceiling exhaust fans were installed in each exam room. Provided a new sanitary system for the building & routed this outside the building to connect with site utilities. Electric storage water heaters utilized for hot water with mixing valves at fixtures where required. The hot water system was circulated to ensure hot water is provided at fixtures per Florida Energy Conservation Code.
A new fire riser was brought into the building for Fire Protection.